Warum es so wichtig ist, eine LAN-Verkabelung zu zertifizieren?
LAN-Kabelzertifizierer sind die erste Wahl, wenn es um die Zertifizierung von Twisted-Pair-Verkabelungen geht. Aber warum sollten Installateure die Verkabelung überhaupt zertifizieren? Und welcher Unterschied besteht zwischen einem Zertifizierer und anderen Geräten aus der Kategorie LAN-Tester? Dan Barrera, Global Product Manager von IDEAL Networks, gibt Antworten.
Die ersten beiden Elemente einer LAN-Verkabelung bilden das Kabel und die Steckverbinder. Das Dritte ist die gesamte Installation dieser Komponenten. Und genau dieses Element testet der LAN-Kabelzertifizierer. Hochwertige Steckverbinder und Qualitätskabel erfüllen ihr Leistungsversprechen zu 100 %, wenn sie unter Laborbedingungen installiert werden. Doch die Vor-Ort-Installation stellt deutlich andere Anforderungen.
Bei der Installation unter realen Bedingungen kann es passieren, dass das Kabel gedehnt, geknickt, gequetscht, bei hoher Lufttemperatur, bei starker Feuchtigkeit installiert oder nicht fachgerecht angeschlossen wird. Die Installateure müssen die erreichbaren Leistungskennwerte der Verkabelung testen, um sicherzustellen, dass die installierten Komponenten ein ebenso hochwertiges und vollständiges Verkabelungssystem ergeben.
Dabei gilt es jedoch, die gültigen Verkabelungsnormen zu beachten. Die beiden wichtigsten Normierungsorganisationen für LAN-Verkabelungen sind die internationale ISO/IEC mit der Normenreihe 11801 und die US-amerikanische ANSI/TIA mit ihren Standards der Reihe 568. Diese Normen definieren die Leistungsanforderungen für Komponenten, Kabel und die gesamte Verkabelung.
The manufacturers use the standards for components and cables to develop and test their products. The cabling standards, on the other hand, are relevant for the technician who has to test the installed cabling in the field. You define the performance parameters of the entire transmission link (link and channel), consisting of cables and connectors. These on-site tests are important because the link and channel performance determines whether the network is working properly and is providing the desired bandwidth.
So why is a certifier and not a qualifier needed? This is due to the standards on which the certification is based, because the test and accuracy requirements of cable certifiers were defined in close relation to the performance requirements for the cabling.
In contrast, the standardization organizations have not developed any test, performance or accuracy specifications for the qualification of cables. The qualifiers have the discretion of the manufacturer to determine which parameters are tested, what accuracy the tester provides and how the results are output.
Another problem is that the results of testers from different manufacturers cannot be compared. In addition, the good / bad limit values are not defined so that the installer does not know why the qualifier has rated a cable as “bad”.
For the reasons mentioned, no manufacturer of cables or connectors will accept test results for certification or any warranty claims that have been determined with a qualifier. It is often not easy for the installer to immediately recognize whether the tester is a qualifier or a certifier. However, since a certifier has to meet defined criteria, identification on closer inspection is relatively easy.
A criterion for a certifier is the fulfillment of the accuracy requirements according to the ISO / IEC 61935 and TIA 1152-A standards and the verification of the accuracy according to ETL Level III / IIIe.
You can also recognize a certifier by the technical specifications. If the tester supports measurements on NEXT, PSNEXT, return loss, insertion loss and ACR-F as well as a frequency range of at least 500 MHz, then it is clearly a certifier.
Since the acquisition of a certifier means a not inconsiderable investment, IDEAL Networks offers a “Pay As You Test” option (PAYT). As part of this campaign, the portfolio of certifiers can be converted from a capital-binding investment to a business expense. At PAYT, the installer can buy a certain test credit for his cable certifier, which can be easily refilled at any time if required. There is also the choice between the PAYT purchase option, in which the meter belongs to the installer after a down payment, or a free loan option. In the latter case, the meter remains the property of IDEAL Networks a deposit is not required.
Certifiers are the best solution to demonstrate and document that the cabling installed meets the stringent performance requirements set by ISO / IEC and ANSI / TIA standards. In addition, the precise testers not only find defective components and installation errors, but also give the installer the certainty that the components installed by him are actually high quality original products.
For more information on cable certification and cost management for cable certifiers with the “Pay-As-You-Test” option, please visit www.idealnetworks.net or www.test4less.net/de .