Network cable tester to troubleshoot copper and fibre networks.
Network cable tester NaviTEK NT is used for troubleshooting and maintenance of copper and fibre networks. Testing tool to pinpoint and solve network connectivity issues faster than ever.
- Now includes a touchscreen
- Network troubleshooter (copper/fibre)
- PoE, service detection and port information
- Real time display of network traffic
- Test storage and PDF reporting
- Cable tracing/distance to fault (TDR)
- Supports TREND AnyWARE App
£675 - £1,525 excl. VAT
Product highlights
The new NaviTEK NT is a network cable tester for troubleshooting and maintenance of active and passive copper and fibre networks. Incorporating an improved graphical interface NaviTEK NT allows network technicians to pinpoint and solve network connectivity issues faster than ever before. Subsequently, tests can be saved as pdf reports and shared with colleagues and clients using the free TREND AnyWare™ app.
*** Now includes a touchscreen ***
- Network troubleshooting – pinpoint and solve network connectivity issues quickly
- Network service detection – port info, IP/MAC addresses and operates on VLAN
- Monitor network traffic – real time display of broadcast network traffic
- Copper and fibre cable tests – wiremap, distance to fault, PoE, optical power indication
- Professional PDF reports – send them from the site using the free TREND AnyWARE app
Key features
Test Mode Selection
A test mode selection is shown on the start screen allowing users to easily choose between Auto-detect, Cable, Switch and Network. Also in instances where switches are configured to deny any unapproved devices, the NaviTEK NT will now display LLDP/CDP port information when connected due to its passive testing mode.
Test Mode Selection
A test mode selection is shown on the start screen allowing users to easily choose between Auto-detect, Cable, Switch and Network. Also in instances where switches are configured to deny any unapproved devices, the NaviTEK NT will now display LLDP/CDP port information when connected due to its passive testing mode.
Fibre Cabling Pass/Fail
The NaviTEK NT will indicate a Pass or Fail when testing fibre cabling. Clear colour coded on screen indications of Pass (Green) and Fail (Red) help technicians judge optical Rx power level more easily, as well as eliminating any guess work for technicians with limited knowledge of optical levels. The Pass/Fail threshold simply needs to be defined by the user in Setup from the main network test screen.
Port & network summary info
Press the Autotest button to display summary information and allow for detailed inspection of network parameters.
VLAN detection & operation
Automatic detection of VLAN ID’s allows the user to configure NaviTEK NT for operation on a VLAN.
Ethernet utilisation
Real time display of broadcast network traffic shown as a percentage of port speed for the previous 60 minutes.
CDP/LLDP/EDP port information
Show port information using Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Extreme Discovery Protocol (EDP).
Display list of IP and MAC addresses of every device connected to the network.
Network Probe
View network illustration to verify test results of each network component.
Today, network technicians have a broad selection of software troubleshooting tools at their disposal and whilst useful in certain situations and environments they do have limitations. NaviTEK NT on the other hand offers a comprehensive suite of test and troubleshooting functionality only found on dedicated hand-held testers:-
- Copper and fibre test interfaces
- Fast detection of link and IP information including duplex, speed, port ID, VLAN, DNS, DHCP, Gateway status and IP address
- Detects services such as ISDN, POTS and PoE
- Accurate wire mapping including length measurement and distance to fault
- Rugged, compact design permits use in confined spaces
- Not susceptible to virus and malware attack
Product models
NaviTEK NT Pro Bundle
NaviTEK NT Pro Bundle
Active Remotes Full Kit
Active Remote #1
RJ45 Patch Cable Kit
RJ45 inserts and tool
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: Which tester should I use if I require PING test with VLAN? A: NaviTEK NT Plus or Pro
- Q: Why does the NaviTEK NT not always detect my 2 meter long patch cable?A: NaviTEK NT cable detection range is from 3m and above. Any shorter than 3m will not be detected persistently
- Q: What software does NaviTEK NT require to generate PDF reports?A: No software is required. PDF reports are generated from the tester
- Q: Can NaviTEK II Plus & Pro be upgraded to NaviTEK NT Plus & Pro including PDF report generation and wireless report transfer?A: Yes. By downloading the latest software from and purchasing the approved Wi-Fi adapter Edimax EW-7811Un. Please note the software upgrade will delete all jobs from the tester
- Q: Does NaviTEK NT require a factory calibration?A: No: the indications of optical power, voltage, length etc. are for troubleshooting only and do not need calibration
- Q: Can NaviTEK NT Pro measure fibre attenuation? A: No: The optical power indication is only for troubleshooting purposes. It is not a calibrated measurement with a calibrated source. Accurate attenuation measurement is not possible. A power meter and light source such as TREND’s FiberMASTER would be required
- Q: Can I use other vendors’ SFP modules instead of Trend Networks?A: Use of other vendors’ SFPs may be possible but is not guaranteed for correct operation, including optical power indication
- Q: Can all Active Remotes be used with NaviTEK NT?A: Yes. Active remotes No.2~ No.12 (part no. 150050) can be used for advanced wiremapping. However VDVII’s Active Remote CAN NOT be used with NaviTEK NT
- Q: Why does NaviTEK NT feature user-exchangeable RJ45 ports?A: Repetitive use wears the gold plating on all RJ45 contacts and this is accelerated when testing with PoE because of the electrical arcing. In addition the contacts are often bent and damaged when users insert RJ11/12 plugs or RJ45 plugs that are not completely crimped
- Q: Are the reports supported by TREND Data Centre?A: Not currently
- Q: Why can’t I use a laptop PC instead of a NaviTEK NT?A: Today, network technicians have a broad selection of software troubleshooting tools at their disposal and whilst useful in certain situations and environments they do have limitations. NaviTEK NT on the other hand offers a comprehensive suite of test and troubleshooting functionality only found on dedicated hand-held testers:- Copper and fibre test interfaces Fast detection of link and IP information including duplex, speed, port ID, VLAN, DNS, DHCP, Gateway status and IP address Detects services such as ISDN, POTS and PoE Accurate wire mapping including length measurement and distance to fault Rugged, compact design permits use in confined spaces Not susceptible to virus and malware attack
- Q: Does the NaviTEK NT have a touchscreen ?A: Yes, the Plus and Pro models have a new touchscreen.
Customer reviews
Elevated professionalism, one PDF at a time
My NaviTEK NT Plus is with me on every job. I am able to verify every cable & run and export everything on to a PDF with my logo on it. I am able to hand this to a customer when I am done . I am not just handing a document, I am handing them peace of mind that their investment was worth it.