SIGNALTEK CT – copper data cable transmission tester
Prove the performance of your network cabling to 1Gb IEEE standards.
SignalTEK CT proves the performance of your data cables in seconds with a IEEE Gigabit performance test and advanced wiremapping. Effortlessly document your test results.
- Now includes touchscreen
- Advanced wiremapping with TDR fault location
- Gigabit performance test to the IEEE802.3ab Ethernet standard
- Automatic generation of PDF reports
- Report upload to USB memory stick without a PC
£1,535 excl. VAT
Product highlights
- *** Now includes touchscreen ***
- The SignalTEK CT issues a PDF report to prove that your installed data cables can carry Gigabit Ethernet traffic at full speed with no errors, and confirms correct wiremap results.
- Easy to use – Autotest provides proof of cable performance in seconds.
- TREND AnyWARE app – Send PDF reports from anywhere. Click here for details.
- Real world testing – Gigabit Ethernet is transmitted bi-directionally.
- Low cost of ownership – No calibration required and includes field replaceable RJ45 contacts.
Key features
Wireless connection to Apple and Android smartphones with the free TREND AnyWARE™ app. View your reports on your smart phone before sharing them using your preferred data sharing method including email or file sharing app.
Wireless connection to Apple and Android smartphones with the free TREND AnyWARE™ app. View your reports on your smart phone before sharing them using your preferred data sharing method including email or file sharing app.
Test Reporting
SignalTEK CT automatically generates test reports in PDF or CSV format. The summary page of each report can be customised to include logo, company and operator details. Choose between 3 different reports that can show either passed, failed or all test reports in each report:
- Summary
- Brief
- Full (see example on the right side)
Fast & Flexible
- Fast Autotest provides proof of network performance in seconds
- USB port enables rapid transfer of test results to memory stick
- Support for shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable including Cat 5e, Cat 6, Cat 6A and Cat 7 (TIA 568A and 568B wiring schemes)
- Stores up to 5000 tests to accommodate even the largest jobs
- Ability to identify and trace cables with a compatible amplifier probe (62-164)
- Automatic generation of PDF format test reports makes documentation effortless
- User-friendly menu structure for trouble-free operation and minimal training
- Simple cable naming and job creation enhances on-site productivity
Tests against IEEE802.3ab to assure cable performance against a recognised international standardField replaceable RJ45 contacts eliminate downtime from worn or damaged connectorsRugged design provides protection against knocks in the fieldNo requirement for annual calibration reducing cost of ownership.
Testing of twisted pair data cables to demonstrate that the copper cabling was installed correctly and is capable of supporting Ethernet applications to the IEEE 802.3ab Gigabit Ethernet Standard.
RJ45 Patch Cable Kit
RJ45 inserts and tool
Power Supply / Charger
NiMH Power Module
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: If the SignalTEK CT is now a transmission tester, does that mean that the SignalTEK testers are qualifiers?A: All SignalTEK testers are transmission testers. We have been referring to them as qualifiers in the past, but a review of functionalities of our products and those of our competitors have shown that our SignalTEK series is superior to the testers that our competitors call qualifiers.
- What is the difference between a Transmission Tester and a Qualifier?A: "Qualifier" or "qualification testers" try to determine if Ethernet might work on cabling by running an un-calibrated measurement of physical parameters like signal-to-noise-ratio and delay. The problem with those tests is that they a) have no traceable accuracy to international standards and therefore have only a very limited reliability and b) are often only done single sided. The testers give a more or less reliable indication that Ethernet might work, but are not able to prove that. Additionally these testers are only able to perform this limited test on the structured cabling itself, but not through an Ethernet network.
- Q: What is a transmission testerA: "Transmission testers" transmit Ethernet packages according to IEEE 802.3 on a link. By running 100Mbit/s or 1000Mbit/s Ethernet at 100% load on that link from both sides of the link, these testers give users a clear reading if the link really can support the desired Ethernet speed. IEEE802.3 specifies a maximum bit error rate for every Ethernet speed. By running Ethernet packets bidirectional over a link, transmission testers are able to clearly determine if the link performs to the maximum bit error rate by simply counting the transmitted and lost bits or packets. Depending on the transmission tester, these tests can be done on the structured cabling, but also on a live Ethernet network.
- Q: Which tester should I use if I require transmission tests on a live LAN ie including active Ethernet devices?A: SignalTEK NT.
- Q: Which tester should I use if I require transmission tests on structured copper cable only ie no active Ethernet devices.A: SignalTEK CT.
- Q: Which tester should I use if I require transmission test through a WAN?A: UniPRO MGig1/SEL1.
- Q: What software does SignalTEK CT require to generate PDF’s?A: No software required. PDF’s are generated directly on the tester.
- Q: Can SignalTEK CT (R156002) be upgraded to include PDF report generation and the wireless transfer capability?A: Yes. By downloading the software upgrade from
- Q: Which USB Wi-Fi adapters are compatible?A: The “Edimax EW-7811Un” USB Wi-Fi adapter is the only approved and compatible adapter for the TREND AnyWARE app. This adapter is included with the SignalTEK NT (R156003) and the SignalTEK CT kits (R156004).
- Q: Does SignalTEK CT have a touchscreen ?A: Yes.
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