Upload tests and generate reports even faster, for free. The TREND AnyWARE Cloud Test Management Software is now the fastest in the world and connects with TREND’s range of certification, qualification and verification testers including:
Remember, access to dependable test data is crucial to everything you do. If it’s inaccurate, slow to reach your project manager, or missing completely, there is a knock-on effect on time and cost. On every single project. AnyWARE Cloud solves this.
Depend on TREND Anyware Cloud
Benefit from real-time collaboration between Project Managers and Field Technicians. What’s more, Project Managers can pre-configure the jobs and tests in the TREND AnyWARE Cloud, eliminating potential mistakes and compressing the time taken to prepare reports for customers and warranties.
Access from anywhere on a PC, Mac or tablet (Android and iOS)
Secure and reliable cloud-based tool, hosted on Microsoft Azure
Eliminate errors on site by pre-configuring project information
Resolve issues fast and make investigations more efficient
Upload tests remotely without travelling to an office
Reduce call-backs Complete jobs more quickly
How to use Trend Anyware Cloud
Frequently asked questions
Is TREND AnyWARE Cloud free?
Yes, you can upload tests and generate reports fast and efficiently, for free.
Which TREND products are Cloud Connected?
Our LanTEK IV Series, SignalTEK 10G Series, PoE Pro and VDV II Series are all Cloud Connected. As we continue to drive innovation via new product development, we will be adding more products to the TREND AnyWARE Cloud ecosystem.
Is my data secure?
TREND AnyWARE Cloud is hosted on Microsoft Azure, which offers multilayered security across infrastructure, operations, and datacenters worldwide. It also has the largest compliance coverage of any cloud provider.
Is TREND AnyWARE Cloud accessible on a Mac?
Yes, you can access from anywhere on a PC, Mac or Tablet (Android and iOS).
Can I pre-configure tests to save time?
Yes, Project Managers can pre-configure the jobs and tests in the TREND AnyWARE Cloud, eliminating potential mistakes and compressing the time taken to prepare reports for customers and warranties.
Can I download data from the cloud and share it with Cable Manufacturers and Clients?
Yes projects can be downloaded or shared directly from the cloud with the file sharing functions.
Are the features on the cloud limited?
No, TREND AnyWARE Cloud has all the features you need to configure, manage, edit and create reports. There is no limitation on features as TREND AnyWARE Cloud is free for all users.
Are there any limits on storage?
No, you can store as many projects as you need.
Can I see when my Certifiers need to be calibrated from the Cloud?
Yes the fleet manager function gives an over view of all the units linked to your account and their calibration dates.
How do I create my AnyWARE Cloud Account?
How do I link my TREND Tester to my AnyWARE Cloud account?
Due to the number and different types of devices that can connect to AnyWARE, each device type could be different. Please refer to the User Manual for your device for specifics. Generally you can add a device in AnyWARE by clicking on the AnyWARE menu, then Devices, the click the + sign to add your device by Device ID or Serial Number.