Purchase a SecuriTEST IP CCTV tester and receive a free cable verifier
You can always Depend On Us to help your investment in test equipment go further. That’s why our latest offer means that if you purchase a SecuriTEST IP digital and analog CCTV tester, we’ll give you a VDV II Plus cable verifier completely free, saving you more than £200!
Our Depend On Us Rewards are available until 30th January 2022, so don’t delay! Order today.
Why you need a SecuriTEST IP CCTV tester?
The SecuriTEST IP CCTV tester for digital security cameras, analog security systems and HD coax cameras is a multi-function installation and troubleshooting solution. With a single tester that can power, configure and document, SecuriTEST IP increases productivity from start to finish. It also enables you to lighten the load and take fewer different test tools to the site.
What’s more, you can provide proof of installation and performance with PDF reports that include video screenshots and document the camera parameters to the required standards. This can save a huge amount of time compared to manually cutting and pasting report data, while also ensuring that any callbacks due to changes in configuration after installation can be chargeable.
Why do you need a VDV II cable verifier?
A VDV II Plus cable verifier is an essential tool for every security installer’s kit bag! Often issues in with networked security cameras, monitors or displays are due to miswires as a result of human error. Before you start an installation or to troubleshoot, the VDV II cable verifier can be used to identify any miswires, helping to save you time.
It also provides accurate and dependable data around cable length and distance to fault and has ports for RJ-11, RJ-12, RJ-45, and coax for verifying low voltage coppers cables commonly used with multimedia devices.
Depend On Us Rewards
Take advantage of the Depend On Us Rewards promotion now to receive your free VDV II Plus when you purchase SecuriTEST IP.
You can order via your official TREND Networks distributor or order online. Then it’s simple to claim your free VDV II reward by completing the online form here with a copy of your invoice or receipt.
And remember – there are plenty more great offers as part of the Depend On Us Rewards. Check them out now and save up to £1800!
See full details terms and conditions of the promotion here or contact us with any questions.