JPR Engineering maximises time and cost effectiveness of CCTV installation
JPR Engineering Services Ltd is saving time and improving cost-effectiveness on CCTV installation jobs, thanks to the SecuriTEST IP® multi-function CCTV tester from IDEAL Networks.
Electrical and mechanical contractor JPR Engineering’s specialist Fire & Security Solutions
“CCTV installation and maintenance jobs are unpredictable which makes it particularly important to have the right testing and troubleshooting tools to hand,” says Konrad Rubery, Fire & Security Department Manager for JPR Engineering. “Around 90% of our new installs are for IP systems and at any one time, we might be working on multiple smaller domestic or retail
Before making the purchase decision, Konrad Rubery learnt the capability of the tester in the office. It was then sent out on site with their commissioning engineer to use on different sites with varied scenarios including analogue, IP and HD coax installations.
SecuriTEST IP is mostly used by JPR for fault finding, call outs to repairs and for final commissioning and reporting. From the outset, the CCTV tester proved much more user-friendly and intuitive than other brands.
“It is truly idiot proof,” says Konrad. “The icons on
Tim Widdershoven, Global Marketing Manager for IDEAL Networks says “A key challenge for JPR was that for installation and commissioning jobs, engineers would ordinarily need to take multiple items of kit to each job – up to 3-4 test tools plus a laptop. This proved cumbersome and inefficient, with time spent going back and forth to the van to get the next piece of equipment.”
“Now, JPR’s engineers can achieve the same result with just one small tester hanging around their neck. The varied functionality of the tester saves hours per job and keeps costs down,” continues Tim.
For instance, the HDMI In feature means the engineer can simply plug
Similarly, with SecuriTEST IP two engineers are no longer required for CCTV installation jobs – one engineer can see and access all the information they need on SecuriTEST IP. The tester
“As we have been able to keep our costs and prices low, we have won many more CCTV installation jobs compared to this point in the previous year,” says Konrad Rubery. “I believe it has helped business in our Fire and Security Division grow.”
To further enhance productivity and free up engineers’ time to undertake other jobs, the PoE and 12V output features of SecuriTEST IP have enabled JPR Fire & Security Solutions to carry out complete
Plus, when called to a fault on an IP CCTV camera installation, engineers can now use SecuriTEST IP to quickly prove if the fault does not lie with the camera but instead with the network. Likewise, engineers can easily prove to the customer if the problem is because of changes made after installation. In either scenario, this avoids time wasting on trying to diagnose a camera fault and helps make work required on
“SecuriTEST IP provides comprehensive reports which incorporate
The tester has even proven useful to JPR Fire & Security Solutions before an engineer has even gone on site. For instance, thanks to the HDMI Out capability, SecuriTEST IP can be taken to presentations and demonstrations with customers to show clearly the view that they are going to get following the installation.
“We have other brands of CCTV tester in the office, but none of the engineers
For a free demo of SecuriTEST IP or to find out more about how it can support your business with testing, troubleshooting and certifying CCTV installations, visit