Skills you can learn using IDEAL Networks’ cable and network testing tools
IDEAL Networks is known for fast and efficient data cable testers, but did you know that owning one of IDEAL Networks’ devices not only helps your data networks, but also teaches your technicians valuable skills? Here are just a few of the essential skills your team could be learning from an IDEAL Networks device.
The LanXPLORER Pro hand held tester is used for analysing and diagnosing problems in networks, cabling and Ethernet devices by using copper, fiber and Wi-Fi interfaces.
This device hones in on issues that other devices may not be able to find using the in-line and end-point modes which physically connect the device to the point of interest instead of scanning the whole network. By using the in-line capabilities the LanXPLORER Pro can be positioned between any two segments of the networks to analyse one segment at a time. This precision reduces the amount of information technicians have to analyze at once. Therefore, problems are more likely to stand out and be identified quickly.
The IDEAL Networks Cable Tracing Tone & Probe device is designed to do two jobs, both of which allow a technician to learn and evaluate the cabling topology of the LAN.
The Amplifier Probe is designed to identify and trace wires or cables within a group without damaging the insulation. It allows for pin point identification in even the most congested cable bundles.
The Tone Generator applies a tone signal to a wire pair or single conductor. When used with the Amplifier Probe, the Tone Generator allows technicians to identify a wire within a bundle, at a cross connect or at a remote end. It can be used on twisted pair, coax, and de-energised AC wiring.
Both of these functions will help the technician to learn about the distribution of cabling pathways in the building which will make future troubleshooting faster.
Professional Documentation
The SignalTEK CT automatically generates test reports in either PDF or CSV format via the free IDEAL AnyWARE app. Reports can be sent using an IDEAL Networks’ built in Wi-Fi hotspot, so the technician never has to leave site again. This means that reports are always sent on time, in a comprehensive and consistent format, for clients or colleagues to receive.
When equipped with encircled flux launch cords the FiberTEK III Tier 1 certification modules provide the most accurate testing possible eliminating measurement error from the test system. Previously technicians may have false failures when certifying fiber optic cabling, resulting in wasted time troubleshooting problems that don’t exist. When utilising the encircled flux capability of FiberTEK III, technicians can be assured that loss measurements are from only the cabling under test, not from patch cord error, resulting in quicker certification of the job site.
If you’d like to learn more about how IDEAL Networks’ devices could help your technicians’ skillset, why not give our expert team a call on +44 (0)1925 444 446 or live chat with us on our website.