New FREE Software Update for SignalTEK 10G
Pressure on networks is increasing and downtime is expensive. Fix it even faster with our latest SignalTEK 10G software update! We have just released our free v.3.0.07 software update for the TREND Networks SignalTEK 10G bandwidth tester to help you work even more efficiently.
Do you use SignalTEK 10G to diagnose Ethernet connectivity issues? Or pinpoint bottlenecks in network traffic? Or are you using SignalTEK 10G to measure the maximum bandwidth of the network cabling to validate potential upgrades?
Whatever you choose to use this versatile tester for, you can Depend On Us for free software updates that can help you work smarter and unlock new capabilities. Download the latest software to your SignalTEK 10G handset now!
Here are some of the changes in the latest update designed to help you get the most out of your SignalTEK 10G bandwidth tester.
Get testing even faster
The updated software update will help save you valuable seconds when booting up your SignalTEK 10G tester. Shutting down is quicker too. Across a day’s testing, these can really add up.
The tester has been enhanced to make it easier to use than ever, with step by step onscreen guidance for certain tasks, and real time status updates. There is also an improved Wi-Fi connection to access points and hotspots.
New functionality
Following the software update, we’ve added extra test functionality. For instance, SignalTEK 10G now provides the ability to check top VLAN bandwidth usage. Easily see which VLANs are transmitting the most data to support effective troubleshooting and installation.
In addition, instead of testing only at the maximum data rate (10Gb), users can now customise how much data they want to stream bi-directionally. This better simulates a specific application, such as a web service, video stream or CCTV camera.
As a result, it is simple to check if there is sufficient bandwidth to support a specific new system or service, before it is installed to the network. Reports can also be generated to provide proof or performance to clients.
In the event that the wrong parameters were selected for a test, it is also now possible to re-qualify without having to conduct the test again. Instead, with SignalTEK 10G limits can be edited for the existing test results, generating pass or fail results to the new required parameters. This applies for both data tests and PoE load tests.
Effective report management
Top VLANs and VLAN setup have been added to the report options on SignalTEK 10G for multiple tests. SFP part number and wavelength information are now available in test reports too.
Download the new software now
The SignalTEK 10G software updates are designed to offer enhanced functionality, even for complex test scenarios. Download now. Or get in touch with our team if you have any questions.